Heike Krupka

HEIKE KRUPKA is a BioPharma strategist and program leader with 20 years of pre/clinical development experience in Oncology, spanning the full product life cycle from drug discovery and clinical development to market launch. She currently holds the position of VP and Sr. Early Development Program Lead for Cell Therapy and Immuno-Oncology at Bristol Myers Squibb. As such she is accountable for creating a vision and overall development strategy for early assets within her portfolio, which she is overseeing from clinical candidate selection to transition into pivotal development. Before coming to BMS, Heike worked at Pfizer as a program leader for elranatamab, sasanlimab, small molecule inhibitors, ADCs, and Pfizer’s early allogeneic CARTs. Prior to Pfizer she was the clinical and translational lead for KaloBios Pharmaceuticals’ oncology programs. Over her 6 years at Genentech/Roche, Heike worked on a multitude of early clinical development programs, including POLIVY and GAZYVA before moving to Medical Affairs as Medical Science Director for ERIVEDGE, ZELBORAF and COTELLIC. @bmsnews