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Holly Martinez

2024 Speaker

Executive Mentor | That’s a Good Question: Navigating Board Dynamics

HOLLY MARTINEZ is executive director at the California Commission on the status of Women and Girls. Under her leadership, the CCSWG secured an historic $7.9 million dollars to lead a Women’s Recovery Response effort and develop a California Blueprint for Women’s Recovery in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. She established a new fundraising arm of the Commission designed to level up impact for local changemakers statewide, and led CCSWG through vital strategies designed to build capacity and increase partnerships. Martinez has led the Commission’s groundbreaking work in reproductive justice as the state continues to take on first-in-the-nation policies protecting the rights of people who can become pregnant and has provided key vision and support to the rapid expansion of the Commission’s Equal Pay Program targeting corporate leaders in gender equity statewide. Martinez is a Sacramento native and a graduate of California State University, Sacramento with a BA in communications and public relations.

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