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Teri Foy

2021 and 2024 Speaker

Executive Mentor | That’s a Good Question: Navigating Board Dynamics

TERI FOY is an immunologist with more than 25 years of biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry experience developing novel therapeutics in the areas of oncology and inflammation. At Bristol Myers Squibb, Foy leads the Cancer Immunology and Cell Therapy Thematic Research Center. With a mission to drive leadership in the development of immune-based therapies in hematological and solid cancers, Foy and her team focus on the development and translation of BMS’ early cancer immunology and cell therapy pipeline from discovery through human proof of concept. As part of her research, Foy also oversees close collaborations with other key research areas across the company, as well as external scientific and business development partnerships. Foy earned her doctorate in immunology from the University of Iowa, a master’s degree in microbiology, and completed her post-doctoral fellowship in immunology at Dartmouth Medical School.

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