CA Booth Reps for Virtual Shows Please submit form by February 17, 2023. Company Name*Abilitie / InvitedMBAActivisionAlaska AirlinesBristol Myers SquibbCiscoCohesityCupertino ElectricDell TechnologiesEricssonFidelity InvestmentsGileadGoogleHBR Women at WorkHologicIBMiHeartMediaIndeedIntuitiRelaunchJohnson & JohnsonJuniper NetworksLA DWPLuminaryOracleNXPState StreetTargetUnited AirlinesUSTABooth Rep Contact Name* First Last Booth Rep Email* Avatar Selection*Booth reps are represented in the virtual environment with an avatar within the booth space. I will use one of your template avatars. Instructions on How to Create a Booth Rep Avatar Download Avatar Templates to review your options.Avatar Template Selection*Select your preferred avatar by row and column (ie IF or IM)Days Working*You can choose more than one option. I will be working in my booth during the Virtual Career Fair on February 28, 2023, between 11am-2pm PT. I will be working in my booth during the Virtual Conference on March 2, 2023, sometime between 8am–5pm Allow Scheduling of Appointments for Career Fair.* I will be working in my booth during the Virtual Career Fair on February 28 and would like to allow attendees to schedule 1:1 appointments with me for 10 mins each (appts could be set as text or video chats and can be decided at the appt time). I will be working in my booth during the Virtual Career Fair on February 28 and do NOT want to allow scheduling, only on-demand 1:1 text chats (you can choose to turn into video chats, if desired). I will not be working during the Virtual Career Fair. Training*We will provide booth rep training on 2/23, and will follow up with a recording of the training, as well as documents on 2/24. Training is not required, but is recommended. Here is the zoom link to join the training. Please add it to your calendar now as no invite will be sent. I will attend the zoom training on February 23 at 11:00 am PT. I will wait to receive the zoom training recording that will be sent to all booth staff on February 24.